Main Library | Junior Library & Wellbeing

Peaceful and inspiring spaces

Junior School Library & Wellbeing

The Junior School Library and Wellbeing space is a peaceful and modern space designed to develop enthusiastic reading and strong reading habits. The Library is equipped with thousands of books in a variety of formats, to cater for various reading abilities and interests. Students are encouraged and assisted to regularly borrow books to enjoy at home, including our many eBooks and Audiobooks from our digital Library.

Junior School students attend weekly Library lessons in the Junior School Library with the Teacher Librarian. These lessons support the curriculum, encourage enthusiastic reading and provide instruction in effective researching and careful, safe use of information technologies. Students learn how to find, evaluate and use reliable information online and to be critical, ethical and safe users of the online world.

The wellbeing space includes a two-fold approach being both proactive in building life skills and supportive in the social-emotional area. It includes Wellbeing and Health classes which endeavour to engage and empower our students with strategies to assist them with skills and knowledge focussing on, personal development and friendship building, change and its challenges and safety (including online for the Yrs 4 – 6)  and nutrition. With a Prep to Year 3 and Year 4 to 6 wellbeing support team coordinators, the team teach wellbeing and health classes as well as provide socio-emtional wellbeing support to our students.

During break times the Library is filled with students borrowing books, relaxing and reading, sharing stories, exploring information, entering competitions and making use of the computer lab for educational purposes.

Main Library

The Main Library is integral to learning at NCC for students in Years 7 – 12, with spaces for students to study, research and to sit with a book with staff readily available to assist with their enquiries.

Our staff provide expert advice and support students with high-quality learning and teaching experiences through services, training, resources and support, including guidance for students and a range of services to help Library users develop their research and critical analysis.

Students are encouraged to borrow books as well as materials such as DVD’s and digital collections. Students can access the Library after school till 4.30 pm from Year 7 to Year 12.

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